Press Office

Press Office, Design Campus, Neuwerk 7, 06108 Halle, Villa, R 214
T +49 (0)345 7751-524, F +49 (0)345 7751-525, presse(at)  burg-halle.  de

The press office is the point of contact for journalists, bloggers and media representatives with questions about the BURG.

You can download the latest press releases and high-resolution images of projects, scientific endeavours and exhibitions. General information and images about the art academy are also available here. Use of the information is free of charge in the context of current reporting.

Placement of experts
We are happy to arrange experts and dialogue partners from the fields of art and design for journalistic research and reports.

Photo and filming permits
The Press and Public Relations department is the point of contact for obtaining photo and filming permits as well as media co-operations.

Review copies
If you require a review copy of our publications, please contact us.

Press mailing list
If you would like to be added to our press mailing list, please send us an e-mail. We will be happy to answer any further questions you may have.

Contact persons

Brigitte Beiling

Brigitte Beiling

Leiterin Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Campus Design, Villa, 1.OG, R. 213
T +49 (0)345 7751-526 F +49 (0)345 7751-526

Heidi Ballhausen

Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Internetredakteurin
Press and Public Relations, Web Editor
Campus Design, Villa, 1. OG, R. 213
T +49 (0)345 7751-527

Lisa-Marie Müller

Campus Design, Villa, 1. OG, R. 214
T +49 (0)345 7751-524

Maria Schiekel

Volontärin für Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Campus Design, Villa, 1. OG, R. 212
T +49 (0)345 7751-518

Fabian Steidl

Campus Design, Villa, 1. OG, R. 212
T +49 (0)345 7751-544

Luise von Cossart

Geringfügig Beschäftigte Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Campus Design, Villa, 1. OG, R. 213
T +49 (0)345 7751-506

Michelle Sorin

Geringfügig Beschäftigte Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Campus Design, Villa, 1. OG, R. 213
T +49 (0)345 7751-506

Kerstin Ludwar (derzeit nicht im Dienst)

Sekretariat Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Campus Design, Villa, 1. OG, R. 214
T +49 (0)345 7751-524 F +49 (0)345 7751-525


Press Office, Design Campus, Neuwerk 7, 06108 Halle, Villa, R 214
T +49 (0)345 7751-524, F +49 (0)345 7751-525, presse(at)  burg-halle.  de

The BURG on the Web

RSS Feed

Postal address

Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle
Public Relations (Öffentlichkeitsarbeit)
P.O. Box 200252
06003 Halle (Saale)