Exhibition exploring how social media and the web have changed the way we read information and react to it

Exhibition exploring how social media and the web have changed the way we read information and react to it
Exploring how social media and the web have changed the way we read information and react to it
We hear a lot about misinformation, disinformation and conspiracy theories these days. But what makes a piece of information reliable or unreliable? Is something “misinformation” if it simply presents an opinion we don’t agree with? And what role do new technologies and social media platforms play in how misinformation spreads and the impact it has on our culture, politics and society?
This exhibition explores what misinformation is, why it’s shared and how it spreads. Find out how we, the individual users, take part through our many clicks, likes and shares. Learn about the business models, design practices and habits that create an environment where misinformation can spread or go viral. And understand how misinformation becomes normalised, and how the decisions made by the gatekeepers of technologies can influence our behaviours and opinions.
Tactical Tech is a Berlin-based, international NGO that explores and mitigates the impact of digital technologies on society. Their mission is to give people the resources they need to make sustainable change in their digital lives, encouraging online privacy, autonomy, and a creative use of technology. Tactical Tech launched The Glass Room project in 2016 to address a growing public awareness around data and privacy, subsequently reaching over 352,000 people in 61 countries and generating a global conversation about the impact of big data.
Intro "The Glass Room"
Tuesday, 19.3. 13:00
Villa Neuwerk, 103/104
"Facts vs. Feelings"
Tuesday, 19.3. 15:30 - 18:30
Villa Neuwerk, 103/104
18.3. - 19.4.
Foyer Villa, Neuwerk 7
Tuesday, 19.3., Room 103/104 Villa
13:00 Intro "The Glass Room"
15:30 - 18:30 Workshop "Facts vs. Feelings"
Contact: studiumdigitale@burg-halle.de