1949 Born in Reichenbach. 1967 Abitur and tradesman’s certificate as a lathe operator. 1967–1971 Precision Toolmaking studies at Technische Universität Dresden. 1971–1976 Assistant at Technische Universität Dresden. 1976–1980 Engineer and designer at PENTACON Kamerawerken Dresden camera production facility. 1976–1981 Industrial Design distance study at the University for Industrial Design Halle – Burg Giebichenstein. Since 1981 Research and teaching there. 1994–2014 Professor at BURG, Design Faculty. 2000–2002 and 2010–2014 Dean, Design Faculty. 2006–2010 Pro-rector. 2014 retirement from university teaching.

ZUKÜNFTE – Material und Design von Morgen