1958 Born in Hagen/Lower Saxony. 1980–1983 Business Administration and Sociology studies. 1983–1990 Industrial Design studies at Berlin University of the Arts. 1985 Establishment of a design agency. 1991 Teacher at Berlin University of the Arts. 1992–1997 Artistic assistant, Prof Nick Roericht’s department, Berlin University of the Arts. 1998–2003 Academic assistant in the SENTHA research product at Berlin University of the Arts. 2003–2004 Guest professor, Berlin University of the Arts. Since 2002 Work for the nick-roericht-stiftung. 2007 Project head of universal design at IDZ Berlin. Since 2007 Professor at BURG, Design Faculty. 2010–2014 Pro-rector Teaching. Since 2011 Head of the project Burg gestaltet! Qualitätspakt Lehre (BURG Creates! Quality Pact for Teaching)

ZUKÜNFTE – Material und Design von Morgen