1952 Born in Karlsruhe. 1973–1982 Philosophy, German Studies and Art History studies at the University of Würzburg and Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Planning Theory at the University of Stuttgart. 1982 Doctoral degree with Max Bense. 1980–1986 Academic assistant at the University of Duisburg-Essen with Hermann Sturm. 1986–1988 Atelier Stankowski + Duschek, Stuttgart. From 1988 Conservator and exhibitions of the Museums für Gestaltung Basel. 1996–2011 Continuation of the museum as a GmbH. 1998-2018 Professor at BURG, Design Faculty. Exhibitions on the topics of design, issues of perception and the function of media. Publications on design, in particular on the planning and design as well as the theory and practice of exhibitions. 2018 retirement from university teaching.

ZUKÜNFTE – Material und Design von Morgen