1950 Born in Halle (Saale). 1970–1974 Physics studies at Technische Universität Dresden and Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. 1974–1979 Scientific assistant at the Institute for Physical Chemistry, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg; doctoral degree there. 1980–1982 Academic assistant Leopoldina, the German National Academy of Sciences, Halle (Saale). 1984–1986 Postgraduate IT studies at Technische Universität Dresden. 1984–1989 Academic assistant at the University for Industrial Design Halle – Burg Giebichenstein. 1990 Facultas docendi of Design IT. 1991 Development of the Design IT postgraduate course there. From 2001 Initiator of the Multimedia|VR Production joint degree in partnership with MLU, Computer Sciences Faculty which laid the foundation for three courses: Multimedia|VR IT (MLU), Multimedia|VR Conception and Multimedia|VR Design (both BURG). 1994–2015 Professor at BURG, Design Faculty.

ZUKÜNFTE – Material und Design von Morgen