Der Freundes- und Förderkreis der Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle e.V. ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein, der seit 1991 die Arbeit der Hochschule in den Bereichen Ausbildung, Forschung sowie Kunst- und Designentwicklung unterstützt.

Der Freundes- und Förderkreis der Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle e.V. ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein, der seit 1991 die Arbeit der Hochschule in den Bereichen Ausbildung, Forschung sowie Kunst- und Designentwicklung unterstützt.
The Society of Friends and Partners of the University has been supporting Burg Giebichenstein’s work since 1991. Its members are people who are interested in contemporary art and design. Among them are former students and teachers of the university, as well as institutions from both the public and private spheres. The Society provides both conceptual and financial aid to the university by supporting training and research. It is also active in presenting historical and current developments in art and design to the general public in an effective manner. Strong emphasis is placed on cooperation with graduates of the university.
Once every year, the Society of Friends and Partners supports the “Art calendar of foreign students at Burg Giebichenstein”, which aims to promote an awareness of other cultures and to reflect the ethnic diversity present at the university.
The members of the Society, who meet once a year for the General Assembly at Burg Giebichenstein, are updated regularly about current events at the university. In addition, they are invited to events, can purchase university publications and artworks at special prices, and they also receive special editions – such as original graphics – once a year.
The Society of Friends and Partners of the University is registered as a non-profit organisation for the common good.
The board consists of five elected members and the Executive Officer, who is a member of the board but does not have voting rights. The General Assembly elects the board members for a period of three years.
The Rector and Chancellor of the university and students’ representatives from the faculties of Art and Design participate in board meetings and have advisory voting rights.
Chairperson: Dr. med. Sven Seeger
Deputy Chairperson: Dirk Neumann
Treasurer: Hartmut Kiesel
Secretary: Marc Fromm
Member: Axel Hesse
Executive Officer: Astrid Beier
The Society of Friends and Partners of the University offers members and other interested parties special edition items from previous years in return for contributions. These items include graphics by Thomas Rug, Frank Ruddigkeit, Rolf Müller, Vlado Ondrej, Eva Natus-Salamoun, Rudolf Schäfer, Hermann Weber, Ute Pleuger, Mechthild Lobisch, Hörner/Antlfinger, Johanna Schütz-Wolff, Helmut Brade, Ulrich Klieber, Uwe Pfeiffer, Bernd Göbel, Ulrich Reimkasten and Andrea Zaumseil.
Most of the income raised in this manner goes to the Society to support student projects.
Orders can be taken right away. The works can be viewed, ordered and picked up from Kerstin Ludwar in the university’s Press Office at Neuwerk 7, Villa, Room 214 by prior arrangement (please phone 0345 7751-524). If you wish, the items can also be sent as insured packages for a cost of €10.
Der Vorstand besteht aus fünf gewählten Mitgliedern und dem Geschäftsführer als Vorstandsmitglied ohne Stimmrecht. Die Mitgliederversammlung wählt die Vorstandsmitglieder für jeweils drei Jahre.
Die Rektorin und die Kanzlerin der Hochschule sowie studentische Vertreter*innen der Fachbereiche Kunst und Design nehmen an den Vorstandssitzungen mit beratender Stimme teil.
Vorsitzender: Dr. med. Sven Seeger
Stellvertretender Vorsitzender: Dirk Neumann
Schatzmeister: Hartmut Kiesel
Schriftführer: Marc Fromm
Mitglied: Axel Hesse
Ansprechpartnerin: Astrid Beier
Hiermit erkläre ich meinen Beitritt zum Freundes- und Förderkreis der Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle e.V.:
Office for Student and Academic Affairs
Design Campus, Neuwerk 7, ‘Kutscherhaus’ (Coach House), 06108 Halle
Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle
Freundes- und Förderkreis (Society of Friends and Partners)
P.O. Box 200252
06003 Halle (Saale)