Visit to madebymade

Visit to madebymade Following the DBFZ, the next stop on our excursion was the madebymade company near Leipzig.Using organic residues from the surrounding agriculture, regional and sustainable proteins are produced in an automated plant. The larvae of the black soldier fly grow in production units consisting of nine stainless steel tubs and are then processed …

Lecture by Udo Krause, Seidenkokon

Lecture by Udo Krause, Seidenkokon An important part of the silk workshop was the presentation by Udo Krause, managing partner of Seidenkokon Native Silk GmbH. The habilitated molecular biologist began researching natural silk production for medicine ten years ago and produces pollutant-free, uncoated natural silk with his company near Kamenz in Saxony. His passion for …

Workshop with Felix Kraemer

Workshop with Felix Kraemer Firstly, Felix Kraemer, a graduate of BURG and the MIT Media Lab, presented his impressive work with insects, including in the Silk Pavilion project for Neri Oxman. The students were particularly impressed by the methods and interdisciplinary collaboration.In the subsequent workshop with Felix Kraemer, the participants had the chance to benefit …

Visit to the Zoological Collections

Visit to the Zoological Collections The Zoological Collections are part of the Central Repository of Natural Science Collections (ZNS) at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. The collection serves research, teaching and the transfer of knowledge and comprises around three million specimens that have been collected over a period of more than 250 years. It also preserves …

Chitosan Workshop

Chitosan Workshop Since January 2023, the BioLab and the SustainLab of BurgLabs have been investigating the extent to which chitinous insect skins can be used sensibly and transferred to regional, circular material cycles in the “insectmatter” research project. The BurgLabs take on a contextualising and explorative function. They analyse the environmental impact and material cycles …

Visit to the Institute of Zoology, Department of Animal Ecology, MLU

Visit to the Institute of Zoology, Department of Animal Ecology, MLU A half-day visit to the Institute of Zoology AG Animal Ecology at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg gave the students a deep insight into the current research projects of the doctoral students and professors at MLU. At the beginning, Prof. Dr. Claudia Fricke gave a …