slip casting & freeze moulding

slip casting & freeze moulding With the help of the self-developed freeze moulding techniques, we can work beyond two-dimensional into three-dimensional space. We used the hydrogel alginate to immobilize microorganisms.In the workshop, we prepared 500 ml of a 6 % concentrated alginate solution. The use of a blender was helpful to bring the alginate into …

BioLab Getting Started Workshop

BioLab Getting Started Workshop The first workshop started with an extensive introduction to the world of microorganisms. It addressed fundamental questions about the classification of plants, fungi, and bacteria, past projects, and microorganisms found in Halle’s Biolab. The workshop then transitioned into a practical phase, with participants donning lab coats and exploring key lab techniques: …

Mould Making Workshop

Mould Making Workshop The initial start of the Habitat Residency took place in the Burg’s casting and laminating workshop. In a one-day mold-making workshop led by René Braun, we gaineda comprehensive insight into the various methods of molding. Using collected objects as examples, we dis- cussed the requirements of various geometries for mold making and …

Excursion 1: UFZ

Excursion 1: UFZ UFZ – Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research As part of our residency excursion we had the opportunity to visit the UFZ – Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig. Steffi Hunger and Dr.-Ing. Andreas Aurich gave us an insight into their research. The Centre for Environmental Biotechnology is mainly focused onthe production …


Jahresausstellung From July 15 to 16, 2023, the exhibition “Precious Particle” took place for the annual exhibition. It showed the results of the works created during the semester and gave the public an insight into various creative processes. The annual exhibition made it possible to see and touch the works, read accompanying texts and understand …

Particle foaming for real

Particle foaming for real The molded parts for the Floppy, POLLA and Varii projects were foamed at Kurtz Ersa in Kreuzwertheim (Bavaria) using Wave Foamer. The other projects LAR, minus20 and PackVac, on the other hand, were produced at the Fraunhofer ICT in Pfinztal near Karlsruhe. For both partners, using the mold materials plaster, ABS, …


Tooling Before the students could travel to Kurtz Ersa and Fraunhofer ICT to foam the designs on the industrial machines, they had to produce functional molds. In addition to building the molds in the university workshops, design aspects of mold construction, pressure and heat resistance, demolding, dimensions and material thicknesses of the component or material …

Talk: Stephan Schenk from Stapelstein

Talk: Stephan Schenk from Stapelstein As part of our semester project “Precious Particle”, Stephan Schenk introduced us to his idea of stacking stones and his resulting company.Stapelsteine are semicircular “stones” made of EPP (expanded polypropylene) that are about 30 cm tall and can be stacked as high as you like. He explained the individual steps …