The class for drawing and printmaking at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design is exhibiting at the Essenheimer Kunstverein.

The class for drawing and printmaking at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design is exhibiting at the Essenheimer Kunstverein.
The class for drawing and printmaking at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design is exhibiting at the Essenheimer Kunstverein. Ecstatic Visions, etc. is the title of the exhibition which can be seen from 29.10 to 21.11 in the rooms of the EKV. Ecstatic visions is where the exhibitors have found refuge in the past months of the pandemic. With limited access to the world, and curtailed living experience in the outside, the artists have retreated to the power of the imago, the inner self, the possibility to create unlimited spaces and worlds in and out of oneself, this has proven to be a salvation in the spiritual distress. Reflections on isolation and endless quarantines, as they can be seen everywhere these days, are spared to the viewers, here are no documentations from the collective emotional life during the pandemic. Every bunkered, encapsulated person awaited the end of the pandemic winter eagerly, the never ending fever dream thus becoming the source of inspiration. When the real fails the part, the unreal and surreal take over to create a new sense of reality. This exhibition is about autonomous fantasies that replace the dull and real. Fantasies that have left the obsessive identity of reality behind to unfold an often dark and secret life of their own. The unifying subject are drifted, eccentric and dark playful visions and dream sequences flickering into the uncanny, which often remain enigmatic and elude interpretation. Sixteen positions with over 20 artworks are on display, from painting to graphics, sculpture and installations. Opening the 29th of October at 6 p.m. Regular hours on Saturday from 2 p.m. until 6 p.m. & Sunday from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Die Klasse für Druckgrafik und Zeichnung der Kunsthochschule Burg Giebichenstein stellt im Essenheimer Kunstverein aus. "Ecstatic Visions, etc." lautet der Titel der Ausstellung die vom 29.10 bis zum 21.11 in den Räumen der EKV zu sehen ist. Ekstatsische Visionen, das sind autonome Phantasien, die das triste und nüchterne Reale, den zwanghafte Identität der Wirklichkeit hinter sich gelassen haben um ein oft dunkles und geheimes Eigenleben zu entfallten. Zu sehen sind abgedriftete, exzentrisch verspielte und ins unheimliche hineinflackernde Visionen und Traumsequenzen die oft rätselhaft bleiben und sich der Ein-deutung entziehen. Sechzehn Künstlerinen und Künstler sind mit über 20 Werken in Malerei, Plastik, Grafik und Istalation vetreten. Die Vernissage findet am 29.10 um 18:00 statt. Die Öffnungszeiten sind Samstag von 14:00 bis 18:00, am Sonntag von 11:00 bis 17:00.