Study programme

Drawing and Printmaking

Part of the 'Diplom' course Painting/Graphics in the Art Faculty

In der Studienrichtung Grafik liegt der Fokus gleichermaßen auf der Entwicklung von Ideen wie auf der Arbeit an Bildern. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Erforschung neuer und experimenteller Formen der visuellen Sprache bei gleichzeitiger Entwicklung technischer Fähigkeiten in den Ateliers und druckgrafischen Werkstätten der Studienrichtung. Die Studierenden werden zum forschenden und innovativen Arbeiten ermutigt sowie dazu, Risiken einzugehen.
Wir betonen, dass das „Schauen“ genauso wichtig ist wie das „Machen“; der Kurs konzentriert sich im besonderen Maße auf das Betrachten und Diskutieren zeitgenössischer Kunst.

Focuses of this course of study

Students at the BURG will be pushed to develop and question their practice in preparation for a professional life in the arts. It’s a challenging period of study, typically lasting 10 semesters, which begins by learning basic skills in the Foundation courses, and evolves into an intense period of autonomous artistic development.

Within the class there is absolute freedom to experiment, develop new forms of expression, and make mistakes. Many students begin with traditional drawing, and find that their practice leads them into new territories, which might be sculpture, performance, video or sound. Independent research is encouraged, and staff provide regular technical and intellectual support. Throughout their studies, students are given opportunities to exhibit their work in international institutions. Discussing how to plan, install, and promote an exhibition is an important part of the course. 

An essential element of the class is that students learn to articulate their ideas through extensive discussion as well as presentations. This includes research into other contemporary artists.

Alongside their studio practice, students have access to our exceptional print workshops and technicians. The studio has an animation room, as well as a Risograph printer. Within the class we run a small publishing imprint, and frequently exhibit artists books and editions in museums and art book fairs. We collaborate on artistic projects with other art schools, both within Germany and internationally. Every student is encouraged to take an Erasmus semester abroad, and the class regularly has guest students.

A great emphasis is placed on looking at art and discussing it. Each year we make class excursions to visit regional museums and galleries, as well as an overseas trip to visit a significant exhibition or biennial.

We encourage applicants to the course who are dedicated, open, and curious.


General qualification for university entrance, and artistic suitability. No specialist prior technical and craft skills are required. Exceptions: The general qualification for university entrance can be waived in cases of exceptional talent combined with professional experience.


Diplom degree in Fine Arts

The course centres around independent art making and research. Students are both challenged and supported through regular consultations with Prof. Paul McDevitt, artistic assistant Claas Gutsche, and via group discussions.
Studio work is combined with semester projects, where students work through an assigned concept or task. These projects are include themed lectures and visits by guest speakers.
The print workshops are a core part of many students’ practice, and technical support is always available from our printing staff. Visiting lecturers run courses in specific techniques, as well as experimental hybrid models of printmaking.
Exhibiting artistic work is a core part of the studies, and there are regular opportunities to show work in galleries, museums, and in public spaces. 

Die grafischen Werkstätten (Radierung, Holzschnitt und Lithografie) befinden sich im Westflügel der Unterburg. Das Grafikatelier hingegen im Südflügel.


General qualification for university entrance, and artistic suitability. No specialist prior technical and craft skills are required. Exceptions: The general qualification for university entrance can be waived in cases of exceptional talent combined with professional experience.

Study Information Day

The university holds a Study Information Day in January every year for applicants. General information on the university is provided, and the various disciplines showcase themselves. You will be able to talk to students and to assistants. The precise date is announced on our website by mid-December at the latest.

Annual exhibition

The traditional summer festival, which includes the annual exhibition, is held every year in July at Burg Giebichenstein. The university opens up its studios, seminar facilities and workshops to all who are curious about the fresh ideas, objects and pieces of art that have been created in the various art and design disciplines at the state of Saxony-Anhalt's art university. You are cordially invited to come along!


  • Office for students and 
    academic affairs
    T +49 (0)345-7751 532
    F +49 (0)345-7751 517
  • degree

  • Diplom degree in Fine Arts
  • Start of study

  • Winter semester, new students 
    per year: 2-6

  • Basic study programme: 4 semesters,
    Main study programme: 6 semesters (including diploma thesis)
    Diploma thesis: written and practical work, diploma colloquium
  • tuition

  • tuition-free
  • Application

  • Information for prospective students