On this page you will find information about studying and applying to Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

On this page you will find information about studying and applying to Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Studying at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle, founded in 1915 by Paul Thiersch, means learning different forms of action and design, formulating points of view and trying out artistic forms in the field of tension between the diverse disciplines of art and design. The aim is to develop your own artistic language and attitude or your own repertoire for solving design tasks.
Studying here at the BURG also means entering into dialogue with others, discussing in a team, experimenting in the studio - and all this on a campus whose facilities are unparalleled in Germany. At the same time, the BURG's international network offers a wide range of opportunities to establish contacts in other countries. Dedicated lecturers and staff support the approximately 1,000 students in projects, seminars and individual discussions, in studios and workshops, in an interplay of theory and practice.
The degree programme ends with a Diplom or State examination in the Art Faculty and a Bachelor of Arts in the Design Faculty, which can be followed by a Master's degree. Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle also supports its graduates after graduation with scholarships, counselling, alumni exhibitions and support for setting up a business at Designhaus Halle.
Choosing to study at the BURG means taking the risk of freedom, taking responsibility for the path you have chosen, savouring your freedom and shaping it in equal measure. It also means utilising the opportunities to reflect on the world we live in, to take a stand, to actively shape things and life, to transform one's own observations, observations and thoughts into visually tangible worlds.
The BURG offers ambitious young people a broad spectrum of artistic and theoretical teaching and a place where they can test and professionalise their skills in intellectual exchange and practical collaboration with university lecturers and fellow students.
Visionary thinking and design beyond commercialisation contexts are encouraged, as is the development of practical professional skills. In the spirit of art and design, freedom is offered and individual and unconventional paths are encouraged. With their ideas and works, their visions and positions, students are encouraged to contribute to the social discourse as mature, critical and independent individuals. The broad-based basic training in theory and practice, well-equipped laboratories and workshops, research and project plans - also in cooperation with institutions and companies – and interdisciplinary networking and discourse form the framework for this.
Our staff at the Study information centre are ready to listen and provide detailed information on all degree programmes. A visit to the annual exhibition or the study information day as well as individual portfolio counselling also provide a wide range of insights.
The BURG offers eleven study programmes in the study courses Painting/Graphics, Sculpture and Art Education. The degree programme concludes with a Diplom, while graduates of the Art Education course are awarded the First State Examination.
The standard period of study is 10 semesters, of which 4 semesters are completed in the foundation course and 6 semesters in the main course. The two-year foundation course provides students with the starting point for intensive study in their chosen degree programme. The 'Grundlagen' fundamentals are studied on an interdisciplinary basis and across all degree programmes.
All students have permanent studio spaces at their disposal where they can experiment and explore their own formal language. Every year in mid-July, at the end of the academic year, the workrooms are transformed into exhibition spaces for the annual exhibition, in which the projects and works are presented.
The standard period of study for study courses in the Art Faculty is ten semesters. The degree programme concludes with a Diplom in Fine Arts.
The Design Faculty offers Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes. The Bachelor's programme at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle leads to a B.A. degree after eight semesters. A subsequent Master's programme lasts two semesters, while a Master's programme in another design discipline is usually completed in four semesters.
For all study courses, the curriculum always includes intensive 'Grundlagen' fundamentals training as well as design and art scientific components in addition to the specialist studies.
Die BURG bietet im Fachbereich Kunst elf Studienrichtungen in den Studiengängen Malerei/Grafik, Plastik und Kunst/Lehramt an. Das Studium schließt mit dem Diplom ab, im Studiengang Kunst/Lehramt erhalten die Absolvent*innen das Erste Staatsexamen.
Die Regelstudienzeit beträgt 10 Semester, wovon 4 Semester im Grundstudium und 6 Semester im Hauptstudium absolviert werden. Durch die zweijährige Vermittlung der Grundlagen im Grundstudium erhalten die Studierenden den Ausgangspunkt für ein intensives Studium in ihrem gewählten Studiengang. Die Grundlagen werden interdisziplinär und studiengangsübergreifend studiert.
Allen Studierenden stehen feste Atelierplätze zur Verfügung, an denen experimentiert und die eigene Formsprache erforscht werden kann. Jährlich Mitte Juli, zum Ende des Studienjahres, verwandeln sich für die Jahresausstellung die Arbeitsräume in Ausstellungsräume, in denen die Projekte und Werke präsentiert werden.
Der Fachbereich Design der BURG bietet fünf Bachelor-Studiengängen in acht Studienrichtungen sowie elf Master-Studiengängen an. Die Regelstudienzeit der Bachelorstudiengänge beträgt an der BURG acht Semester. Dies ist bundesweit eine Seltenheit und gleichzeitig ein Privileg, denn so kann ein vertieftes Studium der künstlerischen und gestalterischen Grundlagen absolviert werden.
Die Grundlagen des Fachbereichs Design werden interdisziplinär und studiengangsübergreifend vermittelt. Auch die semesterübergreifende Projektarbeit hat an der BURG einen hohen Stellenwert.
Allen Studierenden stehen im Semester feste Atelierplätze zur Verfügung, an denen studiert und experimentiert wird. Mitte Juli verwandeln sich bei der Jahresausstellung zum Abschluss des Studienjahrs die Arbeitsräume in Ausstellungsräume, in denen Werke und Ergebnisse präsentiert werden.
Bewerbungen für ein grundständiges Studium sind wieder von Dezember 2024 bis März 2025 möglich.
Die Online-Anmeldung zur Masterbewerbung ist für interne Bewerber*innen für das Sommersemester 2025 ab dem 1. Oktober bis 15. November 2024 möglich.
Externe Bewerber*innen können sich im Sommersemester nur für Multimedia Design M.A., Interior Architecture M.A. und Furniture and Interior Design M.A. bewerben.
Die Online-Anmeldung zur Masterbewerbung ist für interne wie externe Bewerber*innen für das Wintersemester 2025/26 vom 1. April bis 15. Mai 2025 möglich. Die Aufnahmeprüfung externer Bewerber*innen ist für die Studiengänge Interior Architecture M.A. und Furniture and Interior Design M.A. nur zum Sommersemester möglich. Bewerber*innen, welche ihren BA an der BURG erlangt haben, können sich gerne auch zum Wintersemester bewerben.
Alle ausführlichen Informationen rund um das Thema Bewerben finden Sie hier.
There are several good reasons for studying at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design. Our offer comprises 20 different courses of study within the fields of art and design. The campus sites are located in the old town of Halle (Saale). All courses are held in german language - this ist why the language skills have to be proven before starting to study. Still english language is very present on the campus, as we have a great mixture of international students, teachers and guests. To get an impression just click through the projects on our image wall.
Applicants from abroad should register online for the entrance examination by 11th March. German or English translations of certificates/school reports are to be brought to the entrance examination.
Important for international applicants: from now on, there will be two prerequisites for an important application: first, the online registration on our website and second the preliminary review documentation through the agency “uni-assist”: https://my.uni-assist.de/
For the second, please apply at uni-assist with your school-leaving certificates (university entrance qualification). The agency does evaluate your documents and create a certificate about your university entrance qualification, i.e. whether it is valid to enter studies at a German university. That certificate is the so-called preliminary review documentation. Please bring it on the day of your suitability test with in addition to the rest of your documents. You must hand in all documents personally on that day.
Please mind that there might appear alterations in the process of our admission test caused by the current COVID19 pandemic. If the admission test will be carried out in a digital format, please do upload the document issued by uni-assist in conjunction with all other requested documents and files to our online platform.
Please do also hand in the certificate of your preliminary review documentation (uni-assist) containing a negative result, i.e. your school-leaving certificate does not meet the requirements to enter a German university. If you can prove an exceptional artistic aptitute you may still be able to enroll.
We strongly recommend that you take the test only if you have sufficient language skills. Even if the entrance examination is passed, applicants will only be admitted to courses if they can provide evidence of German-language skills in the form of:
Study information centre
Neuwerk 7
06108 Halle
+49 (0)345 7751-532
21 November 2024
2 to 5 pm (online)
(Registration possible until 19 November 2024)