1967 Born in Schweinfurt. Art History studies at the University of Bamberg and Technische Universität Berlin. 1997 Doctoral degree, 2008 Post-doctoral qualification at ETH Zurich. Since 2010 Professor at BURG, Design Faculty. Previously, interim professor at Leipzig University, private lecturer and academic assistant at ETH Zurich, employment at the German Center for the History of Art in Paris and Brandenburgischen Landesamt für Denkmalpflege. Research funding by the INHA in Paris, The Gerda Henkel Foundation, Fritz Thyssen Foundation, Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation, the DAAD and the state of Berlin. Publications focussing on themes in architecture and design history, the theory of architecture and the history of science. Since 2014 Vice dean, Design Faculty.

ZUKÜNFTE – Material und Design von Morgen