Wolfgang-Langenbeck-Straße 5, 06120 Halle, Telephone +49(0)345 6847 0

Wolfgang-Langenbeck-Straße 5, 06120 Halle, Telephone +49(0)345 6847 0
The Students’ Union Halle offers the following services: food (canteens), student finance (BAföG), student accommodation, social counselling and services, culture, international affairs
Places in students’ residences are awarded by the Students’ Union’s student residence and room allocation service.Telephone 0345 6847 413/-414/-415, ed.ellah-krewnetneduts@nenhowsehcsitneduts
Office hours: Tue 1–5 p.m. and Fri 9–12 a.m.
The Students’ Union Halle runs its own independent childcare facility. It offers childcare for the children of all students at particularly reasonable conditions. Information can be obtained from the Students’ Union’s personnel department. The university’s Students’ Council also offers childcare services. Current information can be found at http://www.burg-halle.de/~stur/
The social counseling informs and advises you, if necessary, on a variety of study and everyday questions, especially on the financing of your studies as well as on claims against service providers.
Our goal is to work with you to develop individual concepts for financing the various phases of your studies. The aim is to find the best possible combination of the various financing options. A course of study not only offers many opportunities and possibilities, but also makes high demands. Study difficulties and personal problems are therefore nothing out of the ordinary. Sometimes there are problems that one does not succeed in solving on one's own. Here, counseling by a person who looks at the situation from the "outside" can be very helpful. The aim is to support students in difficult situations, stress, conflicts, crises of meaning, etc.. Together, solution-oriented changes can be developed and access to one's own resources can be found. A counseling session can bring relief and distance to a deadlocked situation. It gives you the freedom to search for new possibilities.
Of course you are also welcome if you don't really know where the problem lies. Maybe you are just looking for someone to listen to you and help you "sort out" your thoughts.
Psychosocial counseling by the Studentenwerk Halle is free of charge and anonymous. You can receive counseling for up to four appointments. The counseling sessions are held in German or English, depending on your preference.
The Studentenwerk Halle offers on the Campus Design always on Monday a free consultation hour without booking an appointment of the Psychosocial Counseling and a free consultation hour of the Social Counseling.
Always on Mondays, 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Mr. Jeschke, Psychosocial Counselor, gives advice on the Campus Design, Study Information Center, room 201, 2nd floor. Afterwards, social counseling is held there by Ms. Moussa from 3 to 4 pm. Here, questions concerning the organization of studies or financing can be clarified.
Registration is not necessary.
In addition, the Psychosocial Counseling Service of the Halle Student Union offers further appointments and free consultation hours from Monday to Friday in the Counseling Center Harz 41 Entrance Old Building, to the right of the main entrance of the Harzmensa. Appointments can be made at: Beratungsstermin reservieren (studentenwerk-halle.de).
The Social Counseling Service also offers additional office hours in the Counseling Center Harz 41 Entrance Old Building, to the right of the main entrance to the Harzmensa. More detailed information is available at: Beratungsangebote (studentenwerk-halle.de).
If you have any questions, please contact us at:
The diverse range of consulting services includes
By the way, we also help with book grants, free meals, grants in financially very tense situations.
The social counselling is always free of charge for you!
+49(0)345 6847 0
Eating and drinking: the Students’ Union runs two canteens at the university:
‘Mensa Neuwerk 7’ canteen, Villa, basement
‘Mensa Burg’ canteen, ‘Herrenhaus’, Seebener Straße 1
‘Mensa Weinberg’ canteen, Wolfgang-Langenbeck-Straße 3
‘Mensa Harz’, Harz 42
‘Mensa Burse zur Tulpe’ canteen, Universitätsring 5
‘Mensa Brandbergweg’ canteen, Brandbergweg 23