AGAR TAPE SEASONING China consumes 38.520 million instant noodle dishes every year. Most of the wrappers are buried after using. But China has now a lack of land to bury rubbish. Hence, some propose burning. But it will escalate the air pollution. Therefore, it is about time that China replaces the current wrappers with degradable …
Author Archives: Yi Gong
WARM-UP ALGAE EXPERIMENTS The students were asked to search for algae experiments that they could try by themselves – as a warm up. Photosynthesis with algae balls by Yi Gongand Laura Pelizzari creating agar-based bioplastics by Dorothea Lang Algaegraphs, on the model of Lia Giraud by Ina Turinskyand Andi Wagner Species and habitants by Luis …
INTERIM PRESENTATION For the first interim presentation each student had to present two to three concepts. Here they are: by Marc Wejda by Ulrike Silz by Yi Gong by Dorothea Lang by Ida Flick by Ina Turinskyand Andi Wagner by Laura Pelizzari by Luis Undritz