Excursion: Studio Tjeerd Veenhoven 20.03.2024, Groningen (NL) The visit to Studio Tjeerd Veenhoven in Groningen was the first appointment on the Plant Project’s excursion. Tjeerd, his employee Anja Zachau and an intern warmly welcomed the group to his workshop, where they had lunch together. The workplace itself is divided into three large halls in which …
Author Archives: Andreas Wagner
Excursion: BlueCity
Excursion: BlueCity with Emma van der Leest 21.03.2024, Rotterdam (NL) During our excursion to Rotterdam, designer Emma van der Leest guided us through BlueCity. This innovative hub serves as a model for a circular and ‘blue’ economy, fostering sustainable practices within the city and surrounding region. Since 2015, BlueCity has housed 55 start-ups that operate …
Excursion: Het Nieuwe Instituut / Zoöp
Excursion: Het Nieuwe Instituut / Zoöp 22.03.2024, Rotterdam (NL) Klaas Kuitenbrouwer, Senior Researcher at Het Nieuwe Instituut and founder of the Zoonomic Institute, welcomed us and introduced the Zoöp Project. This innovative initiative explores sustainable practices by incorporating ecological perspectives into organizational frameworks. The Zoöp Project aims to enhance the symbiosis between human activities and …
Excursion: Studio Makkink & Bey
Excursion: Studio Makkink & Bey 22.03.2024, Rotterdam (NL) As part of our excursion, we had the opportunity to get to know Studio Makkink & Bey in Rotterdam. The visit gave us a multifaceted insight into the wide range of work that the studio has produced over its many years of existence, particularly in the field …
Excursion & Workshop: Studio LoopLoop
Excursion & Workshop: Studio LoopLoop 22.03.2024, Rotterdam (NL) Onions are peeled, turmeric is chopped, madder root extract is dripped onto bubble wrap, and aluminum tubes bubble away in a water bath in the background. We find ourselves in a former fruit warehouse in the Rotterdam port area, now transformed into a creative space for Studio …
Experiments (1st homework)
Experiments (1st homework) 02.04.2024, Halle (Saale) In preparation for The Plant Project, the homework has already given us a broad overview of different topics within plant-based design. Firstly, we all carried out an experiment that a researcher or designer had already done with plants. Secondly, we each brought along ten everyday materials that are either …
Material Collection (2nd homework)
Material Collection (2nd homework) 02.04.2024, Halle (Saale) The students presented a diverse array of plant-based material samples, showcasing both commonplace and unexpected items. Each student brought in a total of 10 materials, divided into two categories.Everyday Materials:Five samples were selected from materials that are so ordinary they often go unnoticed in daily life. These included …
Pecha Kucha (3rd homework)
Pecha Kucha (3rd homework) 02.04.2024, Halle (Saale) For the third part of the homework the students delivered Pecha Kucha presentations focusing on the theme of plants and resilience. Each presentation required thorough research and was structured into four distinct categories, with a total of 20 slides and a 6:40-minute speaking limit. The research categories consisted …
Lecture: Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe with Nicole Paul
Lecture: Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe with Nicole Paul 02.04.2024, Halle (Saale) In a video conference with Nicole Paul from FNR, we gained insights into plants as sustainable material suppliers. Founded in 1993, FNR is a project managemaent agency of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and focuses on research, development, and demonstration projects in …
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Botanical Garden with Dr. Hoffmann and Dr. Heklau
Botanical Garden with Dr. Hoffmann and Dr. Heklau 03.04.2024, Halle (Saale) As part of the input series, after the multi-day excursion, we made a stopover at the Halle Botanical Garden. There we were welcomed by Dr. Matthias H. Hoffmann, who works as curator of the collection of plants from the Canary Islands and the Mediterranean …
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