Pinterest: Enamelling courses at the BURG

by 27. April 2017


Wintersession 2017: Material Driven Design Workshop

· by 23. January 2017

Elvin Karana (introduction video) and Valentina Rognoli will be collaborating with MAKE. and bringing useful methods to create meaningful products, installations or sculptures with materials as point of departure. This Material Driven Design Workshop (13.-15.02.2017) takes place at the upcoming Wintersession 2017. For more information and registrations, please see: Burg gestaltet!

Herbstsession 2016 – Free places available. Register now!

· by 12. September 2016

Enjoyed the summer? Ready to start something new?

MAKE. still has a few free places for the following workshops:

Workshop:SPOTLIGHTS – Interaktive Lichtinstallationen im öffentlichen Raum”
> more information and registrations

Workshop:Messen, Schneiden, Biegen – Grundkurs handwerkliches Arbeiten in der Werkstatt Pavel Majrych”
> more information and registrations

Workshop: XYZ Cargo Vehicles

· by 10. May 2016


MAKE. is inviting BURG students to participate in an open source workshop (supported by N55) in Hamburg. You can read more about the XYZ CARGO VEHICLES at For more information and registrations see:

Wintersession 2016 – Apply Now For Workshops

· by 21. January 2016

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It’s that wonderful time of the year again! The Wintersession is coming up with a lot of exciting workshops.

Also MAKE. is offering two workshops including “Burg Material Scouts” on Tuesday 23.2.2016 (become part of our new materials collection), and “Schneiden, Biegen, Schweissen” (get some hands-on skills with Pavel Majrych) from 16 – 19.2.2016.

Want to participate?
For these two workshops, please send an email to make(at) with (1) your name (2) study course (3) which semester and (4) matriculation number. Deadline for registrations: Monday 25.2.2016. The Wintersession is open for all BURG students.

Herbstsession 2015: Department of Seaweed (Workshop)

· by 13. July 2015

bild_department-of-seaweed-julia_lohmann  poster_lecture_julia_lohmann_24.9_blogpost_1
(Foto: Petr Krejci)
Das Department of Seaweed (siehe Video) ist ein interdisziplinärer Forschungs-, Experimentier- und Produktionsraum zum Thema Seetang als Designmaterial. Die Designerin Julia Lohmann gründete das mobile, real und virtuell exitierende Department 2013 am Londoner Victoria & Albert Museum, um mit Wissenschaftlern, Design-, Handwerks- und Materialexperten das Potential der Meeresalge zu erforschen und nachhaltige Nutzungsvisionen zu entwickeln. Nun kommt das Department für einen zweitägigen Workshop nach Halle. Der Workshop wird organisiert von GROW Art/Science, ein Plattform für den Austausch zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft.

Datum Vortrag: 24.9.2015 (Donnerstagabend 18 Uhr)
Datum Workshop: Freitag 25. und Samstag 26.9.2015
Ort: Wird noch bekannt gegeben
Materialkosten: 10 € pro StudentIn (werden bei Kursbeginn eingesammelt)

– Einführung in das “Department of Seaweed”, Vortrag von Prof. Julia Lohmann
– 2-Tage Workshop, u.a. mit folgenden Themen: Vorstellung Seetang als Material; Materialbearbeitung und Experiment; Theoretisch-praktische Entwicklung von Bearbeitungsmethoden, Anwendungsmöglichkeiten, Nutzungsszenarien und -visionen

Anmeldung per email an make(at) unter Angabe von:

Workshop Impressions

The Art and Science of Mushroom Cultivation (Wintersession 2015)

· by 26. January 2015

Cooking the straw substrate
(Cooking the straw substrate, source: Mediamatic Amsterdam)

This year’s WINTERSESSION 2015 features workshop on “The Art and Science of Mushroom Cultivation” instructed by Antoni Gandia.

“Fungi are organisms that have an enormous cultural potential that we are only just starting to discover. Some people even claim that they will save the world. For Antoni Gandia (M.Sc. in Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology of Plants) fungi are a source of new materials that can replace many synthetics in the 21st century. They play an important role in our food systems as well as having great symbolical value. These are the reasons why scientists as well as artists are starting to work with them on many levels.” – The workshop takes place in a clean biological laboratory supported by the GROW Platform for Art/Science Projects.

For more information and registrations (until 28.1.2015) please see the WINTERSESSION 2015 workshop program (with “The Fast and the Furious: Marker Techniques”, “Analog VJing mit Pencil Quincy`s “Magic Machine“, and many more workshop oferings for Burg’s art and design students).

Excursion: Saline Museum Halle

· by 3. October 2014


We’ll will be giving a special focus on the material “Salt” together with Prof. Stella Geppert this semester. Feel free to join us for an excursion to the Saline Museum Halle and learn more about the role and importance that salt production played on the economic development of the city of Halle (Saale).

The excursion takes place this Wednesday 8.10.2014.

Ringvorlesung “Vorbild Natur” an der MLU

· by 7. May 2014

vorbild_natur2 copy vorbild_natur

Um einen Einblick zu geben, wie und wo die Natur als Inspirationsquelle dient, hat der Fachschaftsrat Biologie (MLU) eine neue Ringvorlesung organisiert. Vom 29. April bis 01. Juli könnt ihr jeden Dienstag den Vorträgen zum Thema „ Vorbild Natur” lauschen. Weitere Informationen unter oder Facebook.

via GROW Art/Science

Wintersession: 3D Printing with Jonathan Keep and Exploring Materials with Filipe Natalio

· by 23. January 2014

wintersession 2014 make invites jonathan keep     wintersessions 2014 make invites dr filipe natalio

Dear Makers! During the coming Wintersession we invited studio potter and digital artist Jonathan Keep (photo left) to build our own 3D printer together so we will be able to print more than plastics (we’re focusing on paste materials such as ceramics, cookie dough? toothpaste? …). The week after we will be taking a more scientific approach focused on the future of materials, in a pilot project titled “Exploring Future Materials” with Dr. Filipe Natalio (photo right) who recently gave an inspiring lecture on Biomimetics at the BURG.

For more information and registrations please see: