1961 Born in Stuttgart. University studies in Art History, German Studies and Philosophy in Freiburg, Vienna and Berlin. Master’s thesis on Paul Klee, doctoral degree on Arte Povera at Freie Universität Berlin. 1994–2007 Teacher at Berlin University of the Arts, Humboldt University, the Academy of Art Berlin Weißensee and the Braunschweig University of Art. Since 2009 Professor at BURG, Art Faculty. 2010–2014 Pro-rector, Theories of Art. 2015 Head of BURG 100 project. Numerous publications on contemporary art. Also active as an exhibition curator, most recently Assoziationsraum Wunderkammer. Zeitgenössische Künste zur Kunst- und Naturalienkammer der Franckeschen Stiftungen zu Halle (Cabinet of Wonder – Associative Space: Contemporary Art Based on the Cabinet of Art and Naturalia of the Francke Foundations in Halle).

ZUKÜNFTE – Material und Design von Morgen