Excursion: BlueCity with Emma van der Leest

21.03.2024, Rotterdam (NL)

During our excursion to Rotterdam, designer Emma van der Leest guided us through BlueCity. This innovative hub serves as a model for a circular and ‘blue’ economy, fostering sustainable practices within the city and surrounding region. Since 2015, BlueCity has housed 55 start-ups that operate on the principles of the “Blue Economy.” The “Blue Economy” is inspired by the natural ecosystem’s functional laws, viewing emissions and waste as resources. Unlike the “Circular Economy,” which focuses on a single cycle, the “Blue Economy” aims to interconnect multiple cycles. Companies within BlueCity strive to utilize locally available, renewable resources through innovation and entrepreneurship. One notable example is “Rotterzwam,” a mushroom farm that uses coffee grounds from nearby cafes to cultivate oyster mushrooms. These mushrooms serve as food or natural insulation, while the waste heat from cultivation is used by another company to warm its spirulina algae production. This symbiotic relationship exemplifies how one company’s waste can become another’s resource. BlueCity is situated in the former Tropicana swimming pool, renovated by the architectural studio Superuse following circular architecture principles. The transformed space now includes various office areas, workshops, studios, the FoodHub, and Biolabs. The expansive former pool area also hosts numerous events. Beyond its physical infrastructure, BlueCity supports startups from the prototype phase to real production. Guided tours for visitors and international companies help spread the concept of the Blue Economy, demonstrating its practical application within BlueCity. Overall, BlueCity in Rotterdam stands as an inspiring example of how cities, in collaboration with various stakeholders, can efficiently utilize resources to build a sustainable economy.

thanks to:

Emma van der Leest
from BlueCity

The Plant Project
– Resilience Part II
text by:Leah Messerschmidt