The Sifting of the Earth—How much soil must be sifted for a screen? How much earth has to be moved for the copper needed for a screen?

Starting from the first question – “How much earth has to be sifted for the raw materials of an LCD screen?” I have narrowed down my field of consideration to the question: how much earth has to be moved to get the amount of copper needed for a screen.
How much soil must be moved to obtain the amount of copper needed for a screen?
Starting from the first question “How much soil has to be “sifted” for the extraction of raw materials for an LCD screen?”, I narrowed my field of consideration to the question: “How much soil has to be moved to obtain the amount of copper needed for a screen?”
My animation is based on the layout of a porphyry copper mine, but without directly replicating it, rather as inspiration for a free representation. It points to the preciousness of our raw materials. Even though copper ore is one of the most common ores in the world, the copper content in itself forms a small part of a mine. Copper is a shimmering element within a mass of different rocks.
The viewer gets the feeling of being in a 3D explosion drawing, whereby an idea of the beauty of a mine can arise.

To extract one tonne of copper ore, a total of 200 tonnes of material have to be moved, of which an average of 110 tonnes end up as waste.  It takes about 1.87 kg of copper ore to produce 1 kg of copper. One LCD module contains 0.0150 kg of copper.
This results in the following calculations:
1. 0.02805 kg of copper ore is needed for one LCA module.
2. 3 kg of soil material must be moved for this (incl. pre-chain).
3. Of the 3 kg of soil material moved, 1.665 kg is overburden.
4. In 2010, approximately 6,661 notebooks were sold in Germany. The majority of the notebooks produced at that time had LCD panels. 19,983 kg of soil material were moved for the amount of 99.915 kg of copper in the 6,661 LCD modules.

3{0E0B2A77-9043-11D3-B2C8-0080C8941B49} (Kupfer_primär_2000)

student:Maëlle Ludwig
project:(con)temporary crust