Psychology of Design
Prof. Dr. Claudia Muth (Vertretungsprofessorin)
Psychology of Design within the Design Studies master’s course
Psychology contributes to the Design Studies course with obligatory modules on the perception of objects, spaces and media. On the most general level, this subject deals with the appropriation of specialist knowledge and the acquisition of methodical knowledge and skills.With the areas of ‘Objects’, ‘Space’ and ‘Media’, the psychology modules in Design Studies adopt the structure of the psychology elements in bachelor’s courses at Burg Giebichenstein, where advanced modules are offered that follow on from a basic module on introduction to perception psychology, for example. The modules on the perception of objects, spaces and media for the master’s course (as so-called ‘specialisation modules’) do not repeat the material in the basic module and advanced modules, but also do not fully assume that these have been taken: master’s students have to consider relatively specialised literature and methodical issues in a manner that is research-oriented from the beginning; as a part of this project-oriented approach, selected aspects of the basic and advanced modules are appropriated by students automatically based on this literature.
The current topics switch among the three areas identified. The aspects of media and film perception are present in all areas.
The psychological perspective offered on the people’s relationship to objects, spaces and media combines cultural, humanities and biological approaches and imparts a relaxed methodology which – broadly informed regarding so-called qualitative and quantitative processes – does not hesitate in proceeding “barefoot”.
A look at the publications of the teaching staff may be more helpful than programmatic prose that tends towards the pretentious in giving prospective applicants a feel for what they can expect here.